Quick learning of logical thinking – Wader family games

It may seem that playing with a child only helps to strengthen family ties or provide entertainment for the toddler. Meanwhile, it turns out that properly selected entertainment is a perfect opportunity for our child to prepare for adult life. In this way, children can learn the basics of logical thinking and develop fine motor and visual coordination. And it even happens during… games. For years, the Wader-Woźniak company has been creating toys for children that stimulate the imagination and arouse curiosity about the world. Here is another such product – logic games.

Interesting and (not) difficult logic games

In order to interest the child and encourage them to learn about reality and solve the problems encountered, appropriate tools should be offered that will not bore our children and will not be a source of frustration. Therefore, logical games guarantee not only interesting scenarios, but above all entertainment that is adjusted to the indicated age.

The tasks that need to be solved require from the players, first of all, perceptiveness and the basics of logical thinking. At the same time, they do not disappoint the child and do not discourage them. They teach to distinguish colors, observe the surrounding elements and evoke positive emotions.

Who are logic games intended for?

The logic games available in the Wader brand offer are suitable entertainment even for a two-year-old child. This is the best time to shape the imagination and provide your toddler with tools that he can use on his own while exploring the world around him. The available games refer to what a toddler comes in contact with on a daily basis – they teach you to name individual family members, but also motivate you to observe nature and the changing seasons.

Popular logic games from the Wader brand

The offered games are distinguished primarily by interesting scenarios and the implementation of individual elements. They are colorful, eye-catching, and most importantly – they can also be used outside the standard game. It perfectly develops children’s creativity. What games does Wader offer? These are the following variants:

  • Four Seasons,
  • Tower of Monkeys,
  • and Take me on a piggyback!

All three versions are a guarantee of the highest quality of workmanship. There are no unnecessary, uninteresting elements here – the entire composition of the box is well thought out and properly composed. The game takes 15 to 20 minutes, while the game is played by up to two people. The rules are so simple that the parent will get their child’s commitment in no time. It is not only learning new vocabulary, but also a way to start a conversation with your child about the world around him.

In the version of Take me piggyback! the child learns the names of family members and pets. Meanwhile, in the game Four Seasons, he learns a little more about the atmospheric phenomena that occur and about the ecology important to our planet. The Monkey Tower is an arcade game.